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2011年1月22日 星期六

Professor of dramatic arts in school superior and Director, Côte - Nord Country Day School, Winnetka, it

Notes: 9-12, with the possible addition of a class of school.

Min. - Bachelor's degree in theatre. school important experience and/or significant experience directing Theatre School productions.

Director of Theatre will sign in a graduate school (and possibly Middle School) and leading four productions of high school every year. Position will participate in all aspects of the high-Advisory University School-via, holder, activities etc. Parts musical and non-musical; castings from small and large.

Candidate must demonstrate strong skills in acting and theatre - education in selection and introductory classes and should have a wide vocabulary of Theatre-plays and musicals. Candidate must have great organizational skills and demonstrate an ability to participate in a well-established program, develop curricula for existing classes, write the curriculum for new classes and evidence of initiative to lead a comprehensive program of theatre.

Contact: Tom Doar, head of North Shore Country Day School at

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