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2011年1月18日 星期二

Leurs & can't find work? Earn money when you look at your work for future

Are you the leurs?

And, since then, you discovered that it is very difficult to find a new job in the recessionary economy?


If so, you're in good company.? Since the beginning of de la recession in December, 2007, more than million and their work was lost.? According to the associated Sur (not), apres la version de April 8th May, numeros unemployment 2009.

13.7 million people mouth April of 2009, or the highest amount since 1948
539,000 jobs lost in April alone
8.9 unemployment% (the admissions since September, 1983), but if workers who had to be on the best and just turned you take part-time, which includes, that number jumps to 3.8% of 15-la plus since 1994
If you mouth was for more than a month, you may feel frustrated, number one, depressed, you have the right even panic ky as we look at the calendar page, and still does not work on the horizon.? You'll probably also were concerned about terms like figurant attention plus how to send you their children for College Valley your pension.

The three option basically Sont in this situation.

Do what you did (this same thing not encore to you a new work), you
Try something different
Option Panique 1:

The first option, panic, contre-productif, and should be avoided all couts.? A fear little is a very well. It can help us to focus and energize you for actions that are needed for it.? Panique, however, surcharges system, by our floue think, confusion, fatigue, and our obtient nowhere.

Option 2: continue doing this you ever had

If you do that your has been successful for you, you wouldn't etre lecture this article now: If you will do what you did, you can only expect to attract more than.

I don't know anything about you and your industry, but in my industry, good person mouth ont ete for more than six months, unable to find a job comparable with one another. o UN travail at all.? Then answer help wanted avec annonces and put reprendre many s what results ont realized?? Zilch, nada.

My friend not reach preliminary rappels, and that is why even when they can find work to apply for in the first place.

Option 3: try to have something different

The third option-do something different-, semble etre only plausible solution.? But this option so wide open, and where to start?

I suggest you consider starting your own business.
Last time it was ever down in you, your job, your externalisation
This is the last time that you have to stick to quality time with your family by bringing home work, work to the East, you have to travel the way more than you would like.
Become your own boss!? Start your own business!

Industry-based home business comptes for environ numbers 427 billion annually, and as many tax benefits, more control over your time, your work and your future financial security.? Essentially, you could great Application of statute for your individual situation, as well as insurance companies apply to reduire de pertes that damage to your home, car, or other personal property.? Are you damaging Sur Des millions of titulaires.

If you start a business on the Internet, you could have spread risk recessionary you Sur millions of customers, several schools geographiques, and, in several countries.? So, we would also etre plus flux stability of new income and increasing the security of s probabilite '' financial family.

And told the 2009 Sweat white

I am following my suggestion for himself and operating their own Internet marketing business. I invite you to take control of your financial security and futurs you: If you want more of life, from this Web site


Sweat White is a professional project manager (PMP) specialized in ERP/SAP consulting, an author, and a commercialisation on the Internet.

