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2010年12月10日 星期五

6 crazy job search tactics

Non-traditional approaches to job searching can get you a job -- as long as they're not too strange.Non-traditional approach to job search, you can get while you work — so long as they are not too strange. Job seekers and hiring managers talk about seeking work strange tactics Combing section newspaper obituary is creative, yet morbidA job candidate is blowing their chances, if it concerns only a few optionsIncrease quantity the chances that you are working on the quality of their efforts

( — Capture non-traditional approach to job search may be a good thing.

Taken in the event of Alec Brownstein, professional ads, who alone are looking for a new job last years. Fed by the traditional job search, decided to attempt to unprecedented levels of performance.

Banking on the fact that "each Googles itself," bought the sponsored links attached to the names of the directors of the top advertising. Yes, if the directors Googled yourself Brownstein seems from the ads at the top of the results page.

Advertising, reportedly said "Hey, [Creative Director name]: [sic] Goooogling yourself there is a lot of fun. Hire me is fun, too "— and then link to the Microsoft Web site Bronstein. A few months (and only 6 USD) later, Brownstein was employed by top advertising company, Young & Rubicam.

However, for each job search strategy that unconventional works, is the second that not only will not lead to work, but is simply a piped ridiculous. Below the jobseekers and hiring managers should give us the information most remarkably tactics of search task was to come. how to build your personal brand

1. "one of my customers received from previous coach career following tips: never send a Resume, applying for work, even when it is in advertising. Send only letters of travel requests meeting with the Executive of the company. "
--Job search Lavie Margolin, Adviser, Lion Cub Job Search

2. "I think this may be the craziest heard ever. When I was watching my first full-time job, a friend then Girl (now ex-wife) said to me, very seriously, that I can provide me a job by participating in the ritual magic crystals and mystical incantations. I asked her if I needed to kill of the chicken, as well as the and was offended, explains that not the correct type of "Magic" [sic]. "
--Eli John, Director of the National Centre for finance, insurance and real estate, the Heartland Institute

3. "I think the worst advice ever seen was in a group of LinkedIn. Someone suggested that, in order to be able to get the opportunity to speak to someone on the recruitment company, you should [mail] motivation letter stating that you have closed your CV — but not enclose CV and leave open the envelope, so that it looks like as it fell to the position. The logic of the fact that then need you to let you know and can have a dialogue. Personally, I think I will just "Do people even can't close the envelope, I don't want to their employment." "
-Antony, Marketing Manager 5 tips for speaking confidently at meetings

4. "and a few tips strange become in My day — one of those which are milder was tape a plastic spoon to my CV and save it (the letter)," you should eat. " However, is that takes the cake to stand on a busy intersection in the upper western part of Midtown Manhattan wearing one of these sandwich plates--BBS to be worn, the body full length--a nice, reads something like "do write in food" or changing some there. I'm to the point where I'm even recognizing, although whether I request the full heading instead of food because I fear that some employers may take to me in a tender: write a story, get a sandwich! "
--Ed Lieber, freelance editor/writer

5. "I used to know someone who will comb section of the New York Times obituary notices of vacancies"
--Paul Solomon, management of Solo

6. "the absolute most crazy search advice that were impressed, has usually been come search guru, the alleged job and career coaches, which advice seeking to Gordon in their universe, the prospects for the task to focus only on those that are most promising. As someone who has looked at hundreds of thousands of opportunities that I generated on My sales teams in the past decades, I can state with conviction that this is impossible, to determine which prospects are the best, which may lead to other perspectives, which are good and which are not wasted one time at a very early stage of the process. Doing the crazy advice that I have described, the candidate for the task is really blowing chances to get the best of his or her task, that person can.

My tips for jobseekers in the year 2010 is the same as my advice to sellers only starting from the difficult market: the need to increase the "QS two" their efforts in order to increase the results of: quantity and quality. Generally, you should increase the amount of chances that you are working on (i.e. the number of employment opportunities) and needs to improve the quality of its efforts on these perspectives (e.g.,., have a custom strategy in order to distinguish itself for each opportunity, remain in touch more often, have better planned contacts, etc.). Eventually you work harder and work smarter achieve its objectives in difficult times. "
--JR Rodrigues, co-founder, software JRBM Favorite on-screen work nemeses c 2010. All rights reserved. The information contained in this article may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority.

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