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2011年3月6日 星期日

Professeurs-7 week exercises for students all they want internship

A week work program to find 7 internship will all want to

I run a company executive recherche spoon in New York and I believe fermement that students should have knowledge of Eastern feast with etre on prepared. All executives, whom I deal with are not late, do not work against you have any excuses for Why they don't achieve what they should. The raison Why because they do not equal if they have executive mentality.

Companies work, especially, with a unemployment rates, 9 5%, may be collected and taken as they please. While most are out partying, successful students are doing research for the employee, who comes to etre embauche and should to be via the Internet. Many students say "OK, then I get an internship. If you do not have the State of preparedness, you won't stand out from the crowd and you have the opportunity to have a Job which will give you a lot. Let's put it this way, an internship "right fax machine."

Not only in life, but work as well, this should become a habit and students asap. They have to learn to find great jobs they will have to compete. Have to remain hanging in the Cafe crowd your group the etudes an hour before the test to a "C" for the Lord will not down to anybody.

Que de professeurs, some in each Division could be part of the routine and keep out of two students. Let's say your students for week 8 and to see where he is to you.

Week 1: Have students write a paper on page two ideal work.

Week 2: before you can say there is such, students write a game plan for how they will find the Job-Monster and Yahoo, and others do not count. They will have to be creative. Teach students to use actually brain and results you must be all surprised.

Week 3: all students must now register for an on-compte Lies. Some students have found him, of whom 5 people they want to network with. They should have the decision decideurs only. Representant compte a would not have the right to swing a internship. However, they cannot contact-Disney. Have them go aside like Hoovers business analysis and find companies that have less than, let's say 7.5 million a year.

Ask them to those professional 5 people to be with. Let them not confuse this with ask for an internship. They should ask some professionnels "and puppy dog eyes" on the industry. The people treating diplomes College and gloves children and should be overcome eyelashes. Make sure that all students reach the same people. This Plan will post if they do that. To start, he took a compte on Lies in contact with some of the executives. For access to these people, students will have to join the groups on the site. Many groups will not let anyone get if they don't have a good number of contacts.

For students contacts, obviously, ont students accept other and invited members of the family, etc. In the past you have done wrong, and the next, see debrouillardise. Good, une, will come up with a 100. Creativity and; the way you take before you in life. He distance men and women to male and female.

If they have any problems, ont students are invited to some of the faculty, then they can find contacts. All student contact these faculty members at the same time and date, is a pain for 50 guests on the course of a week. This will ensure that faculty member accepte invitation. Otherwise, you will be chasing for a week.

To contact au 5 people selected, students should be in writing.

"My dear _____ problem.

I am a student in _____ problem and really would like to learn more about the industry. Would you mind if I par you an your questions.

I hope that hearing two you back soon.



Now a deal and you can continue. Now, as teachers, you have to contact the friends of new professional and a note of thanks.

The most ambitious students will want to contact more executives, but beginning with five with only does not allow them to contact a maximum of ten have sent a paper on the industry that can email back and they were connected with the people. This shows appreciation and that the student actually learned something. A request for opinion, flatteur, and unfortunately all too often in society today, I would like it if a student, contact: make sure to his students, determine if a person may not go back home, they should not take it personally.

Week 4: now they have some contacts. Some students take on the Internet, go to – and find Lies 5 contacts from each of those contacts. 101 at this one. Is for students to formuler. Before they contact contacts, they have to ask permission. Have students write.

"My dear _____ _____

I again. I am sorry to bother you, toutefois, I was waiting to research plus, Would you mind if I had permission to contact a contact your Lies-? If you post, absolutely the best I don't want to be a peine.


Students "

Week, 5-6 suspension, to another ... you don't need a Pest.

There are 7 weeks, students are asked to contact if they have two stages. If students need money during the summer, ont said contacts that they can only work because they need to make a basic work will help support. Their risk of contacts will offer them some money to work. If not, and, more likely than not going to have an internship.

Take care of # 1: make sure our students well aware this is not a form of manipulation. If you don't come to the right, you will know it.

This would make a test for students. He will teach vendeur their ships, to be with them, in the least, to see how a whole new industry and some contacts.

Ken Sundheim flight HELMETS assignment a NYC sales and marketing to agencies. HELMET found in New York City. HELMET is one of the two is some marketing agency working in New York where those who are trained in the home.

